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10 Anti-Aging Hair Care Tips

Aging is a natural process experienced by everyone. Just like the rest of the body, hair changes with age in many different ways. Both men and women experience aging, and the way it presents is usually influenced by hormonal changes. While embracing your hair’s natural aging process is great, you can also take a few measures to combat hair aging if you choose. Read on for our anti-aging hair care tips.

1. Get Regular Trims and Cuts

It’s important for everyone to visit a hairstylist regularly at every stage of your life. Trimming split ends is an important part of preventing breakage, which can become more of an issue with age. Hair is made of protein strands which have an average lifespan of two to seven years. As hair ages, this life cycle shortens, and hair tends to fall out more quickly. This is influenced by a number of factors such as hereditary traits, thyroid disorders, reduced hormonal support and sex hormones, and nutritional deficiencies. Hair tends to thin as people get older. Keeping up with regular trims is a great way to make sure your hair doesn’t experience even more breakage due to split ends, which can damage the entire hair shaft and cause additional hair loss.

2. Adjust Your Diet

Healthy hair is influenced by a healthy diet at any age. Protein is key for healthy hair growth, as it is one of the major components of a hair strand. According to Dr. Francesca Fusco of the Icahn School of Medicine, “Protein and iron are the two most important things to have in your diet for healthy hair. If your diet is restricted, it can affect hair loss.” If you notice a significant amount of hair loss or thinning, you may be lacking iron, protein, vitamin D, zinc, or other minerals. Consider adding more of the following to your diet after consulting with your doctor:

  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Spinach
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Beans

3. Wash Less Often

How frequently you need to wash your hair depends on hair type. If your hair is oily, for example, you may want to shampoo more. However, by design, shampoo is extremely drying. Shampoo strips the scalp of healthy, natural oils along with dirt and debris. According to dermatologist Dr. Wilma Bergfeld, “There are steps you can take before and after menopause to offset these natural changes.” She advises, “Don’t overdo shampoo, but you should wash your scalp at least twice per week.” Try to develop an anti-aging hair care routine in which you are only shampooing every few days or every other day. Make sure to choose a shampoo that’s sulfate-free, especially if your hair is thinning or tends to be on the more brittle side.

4. Keep Using Conditioners

Products that hydrate hair are important for people with all hair types to use at any age. Conditioner is essential for replacing moisture that is lost during shampooing, heat styling, and using hot water, among other things. It works by hydrating hair follicles rather than cleansing the hair. According to Men’s Health, “Each hair is covered in tiny cells which look a bit like fish scales. Damage causes these to stand out which makes the hair look dull, rough and out of condition. Conditioners work by smoothing down these scales so your hair looks smooth and shiny again.” Using a deep conditioner is a great way to combat dry hair by using high concentrations of plant-based oils, which can help with hair health, thickness and volume.

5. Avoid Heat Styling

As your skin ages, your scalp begins to produce less sebum, or natural, healthy oils. These oils are critical for maintaining healthy hair growth and protecting hair from breakage. Heating tools are extremely drying, and since your hair has less fortification against damage, there can be an increase in breakage. Keep your use of heating tools to a minimum. Try air drying your hair after washing it and always use a heat protectant product if you are going to curl or blow dry.

6. Consider Highlights or Root Touch-Ups

Graying hair is perfectly natural and is experienced by almost everyone. If you are confident and happy with your strands graying, there is nothing wrong with embracing it and skipping the color treatments. However, if your graying hair makes you feel unhappy with your appearance, consider adding some color. Hair dye can be extremely damaging when applied improperly or too frequently, so consult with a local hair restoration service or your regular hair stylist before deciding to color. Aging hair is already in a weakened state, so it might be best to simply add a few highlights or a simple root touch up to match your longer strands. In the words of salon owner Nunzio Saviano “Semi-permanent or permanent color can improve the texture and add body, but you don’t have to completely cover your gray. You can just add a few ribbons to add some shine. A few highlights around the temple can make a big difference in creating the look of volume and shine.”

7. Evaluate Medications with Your Doctor

If you are noticing an alarming rate of hair thinning or hair loss, talk to your doctor. While it’s natural for hair to change with age, you might be taking a medication that is affecting your hair at an abnormal rate. Medications for some conditions such as heart disease or those used to lower lipids can have a significant impact on hair. Talk to your doctor if you think your medications may be interfering with hair growth or hair loss, and ask them for a plan for counteracting negative side effects.

8. Change Up Your Hair Cut

The most important factor in choosing a hair cut for anti-aging hair care is your personal happiness with your appearance. However, there are some cuts that may be healthier for aging hair. According to Saviano, “As your hair thins, it’s not a bad idea to cut your hair a bit shorter, but it’s a myth that you have to cut your hair short once you reach a certain age. You can have beautiful hair that’s below your shoulders as long as it’s cut in longer layers that move together and give the illusion of fullness.” The right cut can make all the difference in the appearance of your hair, even if it is thinning. Too many layers might emphasize thinning texture, but longer layers hold shape and look fuller, for example.

9. Look into Hair Transplants

A hair transplant may be the best solution if you are experiencing hair loss due to aging. Hair is removed from the head, usually from the back and/or sides. It’s then replanted using magnification into balding or thinning hair areas. Hair transplant experts generally tend to move enough hair to create a natural look for the hair, and lasting results are often seen quickly. 

10. Consider a Human Hair Wig or Hair Extensions

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your hair, consider working with a local hair replacement or restoration center. A hair extensions technician can help you choose the perfect extensions for your specific needs based on factors such as hair texture, health, and color. Hair extensions can be any length and can help both men and women feel happier with their appearance. A human hair wig is also a great option for anyone experiencing hair loss. Human hair wigs are also available in all textures, colors, and lengths, and are a great hair loss solution for men and women alike.

Contact Us

If you are interested in anti-aging hair care solutions and hair restoration or hair replacement services in Baltimore, contact Eldorado today. We offer a range of expert hair loss solutions in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia. Not sure where to begin? Call 410-343-4680 to schedule a free hair analysis.