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Natural Remedies for Hair Growth and Reversing Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem that affects approximately 1 in 5 people. There are many different potential causes of hair loss, some of which are easier to manage than others. Hair loss can occur at any age and may be caused by:

  • Stress
  • Genetic conditions
  • Medications
  • Age
  • Diet

Fortunately, there are lots of hair restoration solutions available that can help anyone manage hair loss and feel confident again. Healthy hair growth can also be encouraged with natural remedies for hair growth and lifestyle changes.

Herbs and Oils

While there is no cure-all for hair loss, natural remedies such as the use of herbs have been known to slow hair loss and promote new growth. Herbs can be consumed or used topically in herbal creams, oils, and gels. Examples of herbs that can help stimulate hair growth include:

  • Ginseng
  • Rosemary
  • Neem
  • Sage
  • Curry leaves
  • Basil
  • Ginger
  • Lemongrass

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an extremely common ingredient in hair treatments and products. It contains proteolytic enzymes that repair dead skin cells on the scalp. It is highly moisturizing, which promotes scalp health and hair growth. Aloe vera has a similar chemical makeup to that of keratin, which is the primary protein in hair. It contains amino acids that increase elasticity and prevent hair breakage.

Fish oil

Often taken as a dietary supplement, fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that great improve hair health and density and work to restore hair cycle balance. It can also be used as a topical hair treatment or oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements are found in various types of fish and seafood that can be incorporated into your diet.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is extremely nourishing and can help your hair grow faster and more efficiently. It can be used to fight fungal conditions, such as dandruff, prevent irritation and seal in moisture. It can also be used to treat split ends, which are a major source of breakage and hair loss. Coconut oil can be used to create DIY hair masks and can be found in conditioners and other treatments. It should be used in moderation, however, as it can be difficult to rinse out and may make hair feel weighted down or oily.

Diet and Vitamins

Overall hair health is inherently linked to diet. A lack of nutrients can slow hair growth significantly and even cause hair loss. If your hair is thinning or in poor condition, adjusting your diet after consulting your doctor can help stimulate new hair growth and improve hair health.

If your hair is prone to breakage, adjusting your diet to include protein-rich foods may help. You should also be sure to drink plenty of water and consume the proper amount of calories.


Iron deficiency is a known cause of hair loss. Without iron, your body cannot produce the hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin carries the oxygen that is vital for the repair and growth of cells, including the ones that stimulate hair growth. Examples of iron-rich foods include:

  • Red meat
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Iron-fortified breads, pastas, and cereals

Iron can also be taken as a supplement and is frequently included in multivitamins.


Biotin is another widely available supplement that can assist greatly in hair growth. It is a B vitamin that helps convert food into energy and works to nourish hair and strengthen the hair follicle and shaft. There are high levels of biotin in the following foods:

  • Liver
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli

Protein and Amino Acids

The core of hair production is blood flow and protein. Each strand of hair begins to grow within the follicle, which is made up of cells from protein. Blood flow circulates across the scalp, which supports the root of each follicle. Lack of protein and poor circulation, therefore, can be a major cause of slowed hair growth. The following foods promote hair health and can easily be incorporated into your diet:

  • Walnuts
  • Strawberries
  • Whey protein
  • Legumes

Amino acids are often found in the form of concentrated oils and can be used topically. Keratin is made of amino acids, and therefore depends on them to maintain optimal hair health. There are a few major types of amino acids that have bene known to assist in hair growth, including:

  • Glycine – Glycine plays an important role in the production of the collagen that is necessary for hair growth.
  • Lysine – By producing hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, lysine helps build a healthy immune system.
  • Methionine – Composed of sulfur, methionine is key to combatting hair loss disorders, as it helps increase blood supply to the hair follicles and scalp.
  • Cysteine – Cysteine is an antioxidant that shields hair from sun damage and has be found to help treat the symptoms of Alopecia.

Hair Care

If you are experiencing hair loss, there might be a simple fix like adjusting the way you treat your hair. Things like skipping haircuts, overbrushing or brushing when wet, shampooing too much and using heat products can cause breakage and damage. A few simple changes to your regular routine can ultimately help build hair strength and encourage the production of the natural oils your hair needs to grow efficiently. 

Choosing Products and Treatments

Using shampoos, conditioners, oils, treatments, and other products that are made from organic, natural ingredients will reflect greatly in the condition of your hair. Before you purchase a product, check the label for any of the following ingredients:

These chemicals have been known to dry out the scalp and hair and cause irritation. Using homemade hair masks is a great way to ensure the use of nourishing natural ingredients in your haircare routine. Good Housekeeping’s list of natural homemade hair masks includes:

  • Honey, egg, and apple cider vinegar
  • Coconut oil, sugar, and essential oil
  • Honey, ACV, and coconut oil
  • Cinnamon and coconut oil
  • Egg white and lemon
  • Avocado, egg, and olive oil

Reducing Breakage

You may not even realize it, but common, everyday habits might be causing excessive breakage in your hair. Things like tying your hair into extremely tight buns or ponytails, brushing wet hair, excessive use of heat styling tools, and exposing your hair to too much sunlight can weaken the hair and cause split ends. Try choosing a brush that works for your hair type, washing with cooler water and switching to silk pillowcases to promote hair health naturally and mitigate breakage.

Contact Us for Baltimore Hair Loss Solutions

If you are interested in hair restoration or learning more about natural remedies for hair growth, contact Eldorado today at 410-931-3399 or We offer free hair analysis services and a wide range of hair restoration options in the Baltimore area.