Image is the first thing we see in other people: how tall they are, how they dress. We look at their stance, how they walk, their speech patterns, or even if they what their tattoos depict. The same thing goes for your hair.
Women love their hairstyle and colors. They color it to cover the grey. They put extensions in it so it looks longer and thicker. They may get perms, relaxers or highlights just to change the physical appearance of it. They grow it long, cut it short, or may make a change because they just feel like it. Hair is often (not always) one of a woman’s key identifying elements.
We often choose our mate by physical attraction. We are all attracted to someone who is well dressed, nice features, smells good, nice physique, or some other physical asset. This is before they even speak! But the hair is, simply put, the icing on the cake.
If you don’t like your hairstyle, do something about it. How we see ourselves is often a reflection of our self-confidence and a projection of how we feel inside. So in an image conscious society, think about all the physical details that define you. Are your shoes shined? Are your teeth white? Do you wear clean clothes? Does your outfit clash? As your mother used to say, “Is your hair combed?” Image matters!
Contact Us
Contact Eldorado if you are ready to take control of your happiness with your appearance. We offer a range of Baltimore hair extensions, human hair wigs, and surgical options, such as hair transplants. Call (410) 931-3399.